A small boy went in search of God. He wanted to know how God looks like. He took some biscuits and bread with him and started his long journey.Afternoon. He felt hungry. He stopped in a park on the way. And, started eating. An old man also came to the park that time and sat beside the boy.
The boy understood that the old man was hungry. He gave some bread to the man. The old man smiled brightly to the boy and accepted the bread.
The boy was thrilled by that smile. He felt extreme happiness by that experience. He kept looking at the old man eating the bread with his wide, open eyes.
Both of them did not talk to each other. After some time, the boy gave some biscuits also to the old man. He again smiled at the boy. The boy wanted to see the face of the old man, just for that wonderful smile.After some time, the old man went off.
The boy returned home and he told everyone at home that he saw the God in a park. And, that he has a wonderful smile.
The old man went to his own house and told everyone that he saw the God in a park and that the God gave him some bread and biscuits. "The only thing is", he said, "the God was much younger than what he expected !"
[Read in the Tamil newspaper "Dinamani" on September 23, 2007]
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